Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Week 3.3 - Chocolate makes the world go round (at least MY world)

So after my disastrous Monday, Tuesday I made up for it. I took the day off (well you know, to recover from my concussion!!). I slept in to compensate for all the hours I have missed on the weekend. I did get more work done *sigh* and I didn't leave my room the entire day apart from 1 small trip to the post office.

It was room service for dinner that night (I felt justified to be lazy and splurge - simply too hot to go outside). Oh boy it was great though! I put in an order of buffalo wings, with a pink lemonade and a sundae dessert called "Turtle Smoosh". Hear me out, this was the description for it -

"Eli's fabulous Turtle Cheesecake with three scoops of Haagen-Dazs Dulce de Leche ice cream, topped with whipped cream, chocolate and caramel sauce, chopped walnuts and raspberries"

How could you go pass something like that??! Alright, sounded like hell for the waistline, but hey WHO CARES!! It was definitely doing things for the brain because I was immediately feeling much better just knowing that I have ordered it.

Let me tell you, the buffalo wings were awwwwwe-some (use plenty of Yankee accent when reading this) and that Turtle Smoosh... I couldn't believe the size of it. It was HUGE. You could have shared it between 2-3 people. Oh but sadly, I had no one to help me out so I had to eat it all by myself.... *awwwww... what a pity huh*

All that chocolate, sugar and cream were magical. I spent the rest of the night feeling very content.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing beats buffalo wings that are spicy and sour enough to burn a hold through your head!
mmm... buffalo wings.

Hang on, when have you seen a buffalo with wings? Oh, right they've all been eaten! :P

8/21/2005 9:38 PM  

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